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The Oaks Primary School, Loppets Road, Tilgate, Crawley, West Sussex, RH10 5DP
This is the web page for our school’s uniform supplier. You can purchase The Oaks school uniform knowing that these items of uniform have been carefully selected by our school to ensure that you receive good quality, hard-wearing uniform.
A complete list of school uniform is shown in our school prospectus and on the school’s website.
We wear our Oaks uniform with pride.
We believe that our school uniform fosters a sense of belonging and pride in our school; it also contributes to our positive ethos and equal opportunities. We are grateful that parents ensure that their children abide by our compulsory school dress code.
Both girls and boys should wear black or navy school shoes, with a heel and sole of an appropriate and safe height.
Please mark all clothing and shoes clearly with the name of your child. Children will need a drawstring bag for their PE kit, which should be brought into school on a Monday and taken home on a Friday to be washed.
> parents > The Oaks Primary School