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St Johns Primary Redhill, Pendleton Road, Redhill, Surrey, RH1 6QG
School Uniform
Pupils at St John’s are encouraged to wear full school uniform to school each day as we believe that a uniform provides a strong school identity and shows the importance of being part of the school community. Parents are asked to support us in this regard.
Uniform – Autumn Term and Spring Term
Options for Summer Term
For infants - white polo shirt with logo, without a tie For Juniors - white shirt with a stiff collar & school tie
- a v-neck sweatshirt with logo
- a v-neck sweatshirt cardigan with logo
- a knitted v-neck jumper or cardigan with logo
Grey skirt or pinafore, grey trousers or shorts
Grey or green tights or white or grey socks
For Juniors, white polo shirt with logo, without a tie
Green and white checked dress
Black, covered toe shoes. Trainers or sling backs are NOT suitable for school.
For younger children please select shoes with simple fastening e.g. Velcro.
Infants - school book bags (optional).
Juniors - school rucksack (optional).
Reversible shower proof jacket with logo (optional – available online)
PE Kit
Green drawstring PE bag
White t-shirt with logo
Green PE shorts or Green skort
Green ‘hoodie’ with logo
Black plimsolls
Pupils may wear trainers for outdoor games but NOT indoors
Green or black non-logo plain joggers for PE during cold weather
Labelling - Please ensure that all school uniform is clearly named . Lost property is stored in the cupboard in the entrance area. Unnamed and unclaimed uniform is eventually disposed of.
Jewellery - No jewellery should be worn with the exception of a non – expensive watch (juniors only) and small stud earrings for pierced ears. These items must be removed for all PE sessions. If you wish your child to have their ears pierced this should only be done at the start of the summer holiday, as they will not be able to participate in PE lessons wearing them.
Hair - Long hair should be tied back and accessories e.g. Alice band, clips, ties should be minimal and of neutral or school colours (green, white, black or brown). Hair should be of a natural colour and elaborate or exaggerated styles are not permitted.
Mobile Phones - Older Junior pupils who walk home alone may bring mobiles to school if Parental permission is given. Mobiles must be named, switched off and placed into the designated box in the classroom to be locked away.
> parents > St Johns Primary Redhill > Starter Bundle - Essential Sweatshirt - Frequent wash
To help make uniform ordering as easy as possible, we've created this resources page which has links to all the different resources you may need.