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Ide Hill C E Primary School, Ide Hill, Sevenoaks, Kent, TN14 6JT
This is the web page for your school’s official sports uniform supplier.
You can purchase Ide Hill CEP school sports uniform in confidence knowing that these items of uniform have been carefully selected by your school to ensure that you receive good quality, hardwearing uniform and the prices represent excellent value for money from a company you can trust.
Sports School Uniform Showing uniform items chosen for Ide Hill CEP School
Principles It is our intention that all children should wear clothing that is in keeping with a purposeful learning ethos. We also believe it is important that certain activities are facilitated by specialised and appropriate clothing when attending school, or when participating in a school-organised event outside normal school hours. We provide a complete list of the sports items needed for children’s school uniform below:-
Aims Our intention for children’s sports school uniform is based on the belief that a school uniform:
Our sports colours are maroon/burgundy and white and the uniform is as follows:
For PE all children need
Optional items (but highly recommended for protection in the sun)
And last, but not least, please ensure that your child has a water bottle – one is available here to purchase should you wish, or you can supply one of your own choice.
Jewellery On health and safety grounds we do not allow children to wear jewellery in our school.
All clothing and footwear should be clearly labelled with your child’s name.
> parents > Ide Hill C E Primary School