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Decoy Primary School, Deer Park Road, Newton Abbot, Devon, TQ12 1DH
School Uniform
We believe the tone of this school is enhanced if all children wear uniform. Wearing uniform develops a sense of belonging and community and contributes positively to discipline and behaviour. We ask for your co-operation in continuing the uniform tradition at Decoy.
Grey skirt,pinafore dress or grey trousers
White blouse or white polo shirt
School Sweatshirt*
White socks
Sensible shoes
As winter / or
Green gingham dress
Plain Sandals
White or black PE shorts
White or green polo shirt*
Plain black leotard
Pimsoles or trainers
Tracksuit or jogging bottoms
Grey trousers
White shirt or white polo shirt
Grey Socks
Grey shorts
White or green polo shirt
Plimsoles or trainers
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