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Coton C E (C) Primary School, Whitwell Way, Coton, Cambridge, Cambridgeshire, CB23 7PW
Full details regarding our school uniform policy can be found on our school website. At Coton C of E (VC) Primary School, we feel that wearing a school uniform gives the children a sense of identity, belonging and pride in their school. From September 2024, school uniform will become compulsory for children in Reception (optional for other year groups) and will continue as they move through the school.
Our school uniform:
· Navy jumper / sweatshirt / cardigan
· Navy or white shirt / polo shirt
· Black trousers / leggings / shorts / skirts / pinafores
· Navy and white gingham dresses
· Children should not wear jewellery unless for religious, cultural or medical reasons
· Earrings are acceptable however only studs can be word (no hooped or dangling earrings)
All children must wear sensible footwear suitable for the school day. This can include plain, smart, black shoes or similar closed toe shoes which are suitable for both indoor and outdoor use.
Physical Education:
· Navy or white t-shirt / white polo shirt
· Black or navy shorts / jogging bottoms / leggings
· Navy jumper / sweatshirt
· Plimsolls / trainers
· Long hair tied back
· Jewellery removed (unless for religious or cultural reasons)
· One-piece swim suit
· Swimming cap
> parents > Coton C E (C) Primary School