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Chipping Hill School, Owers Road, Witham, Essex, CM8 1FR
Welcome to our Direct To Parents service provided by School Trends. Here you can order and pay for your school uniform. There are no minimum order quantities and your uniform will be delivered directly to your chosen address.
As well as our approved decorated school uniform, you are also able to order plain items such as trousers, skirts and shirts.
School Trends aim for the highest standards in both quality and service. We feel that they supply clothing that represents excellent value for money.
All the garments are purpose made for the school wear market to ensure they are hard wearing and durable.
The orders also go through a number of stringent checks made from the initiation of orders through to the delivery of merchandise. Manufacturing and production is constantly audited to maintain and improve quality design.
Other ordering information including sizes, delivery information and the returns procedure is also available here.
We hope you will find using this new service an improvement in how our school uniform is supplied.
> parents > Chipping Hill School