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Carwarden House School, 118 Upper Chobham Road, CAMBERLEY, Surrey, GU15 1EJ
The following items are not permitted:
· High heeled / platform shoes, non-black trainers, open sandals
Piercings: For obvious safety reasons, piercings are not permitted other than one per ear lobe. The only earrings that may be worn are plain metal sleeper studs. Please note all earrings must be removed for P.E. and games in accordance with School Policy. Staff will not assist with the removal of studs or be responsible for their safe keeping.
Jewellery: Any form of jewellery other than a single stud in each ear is not permitted unless on strict religious grounds (a wristwatch / ’fitbit’ is permitted).
Hair: Bleached / multi-coloured hair styles are not permitted. Neither are ‘steps’ or tramlines cut into the hair or partially or fully shaved hair styles. Make-up, coloured nail varnish or false nails are not permitted.
The Headteacher is the final arbiter on the suitability of uniform and appearance. If in doubt - ask.
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