School Trends


Essential EcoPure Water Bottle 500ml(6118)

from £3.60 £4.32 inc VAT

This item does NOT include a logo

Product description | Size guide | Delivery information


Product description

In the classroom, or on the go, keep your pupils hydrated. This water bottle is BPA free and has an easy to use leak free lid.

The Best Biodegradable School Water Bottle. EcoPure bottles are designed to look after you and our planet. Our bottles are made from friendly plastics that help to keep our world clean when they're thrown away by using the Biodegradable technology that's in their DNA.

Polyethylene (BPA free).


Please note we can not accept any returns for water bottles


****Please note, when ordering printed bottles, that bottles must bear the same logo and that minimums apply per order.  For more information please contact customer services.****


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Size guide

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